Our AbbaChurch.com, Worldwide, Online 24-7-365, Holy Christian, Internet Church, Worship, Mass & Holy Communion Sacrament Services for
God's People in All Countries 
eHolyCommunion.com, Prayer Requests at God11.com, GodText.com, Call-a-Prayer.com & ChildPray.com Int'l Online Children's Hospital.
Our Abba Father Church Homepage.


Hello Everyone! We are Rev. Dr. Ralph & Our Caring Staff,
Hoping to Helping since 1972, at Our Family Ministry Head Quarters in Colorado, U.S.A.

* Click Here or Scroll Down Below to Skip the
Rest of The Intro and Begin The Worship Service.

Welcome to All of You to Our 24 Hour Online,
Personal & Private, Complete Read through
Church Services!

The Beginning of Our Holy,
Christian Church Worship & Mass Services &
Also Optional Holy Communion for
All God's People of All Cultures & In All
& Places of God's Good Earth.

Pastor Ralph:

Our Church is for Everyone All Over the World!
Our Complete Online, Easy to Read through or Share,
Church Worship, Mass Services are Changed Every Week.
We are Here for You Everyday, 24-7-365,

Night & Day with Quick Access, by Your Computer,
PC, Laptop, Notebook, Cell Phone, Tablet, Phablet or Pad
(A Better View: Turn Your Device Sideways or to Landscape Mode)

After the Service, Simply Use Your Back Button or
Click on The Link to Return to Your Home Online Church.

The Beginning of Weekly 24-7 Online,
Christian Church Mass Services &

Optional Holy Communion for
All God's People in
All the Continents,

Countries & Places of God's Good Earth.

Click Here to Attend "ZoomChurch.com: Our 15+ Minute,
Short & Simple, Holy Communion & Church Service, for
When You have Limited Time or Freedom to Worship.
We're Here for You, Day or Night, 24-7-365,Anytime
You Can Come at Lunch, Dinner, A Break or Traveling.

We Serve the North American, Canadian, European, Asian, Pacific Rim, Oceania, Australian, Arab World, Middle East, African, Arctic, Antarctica, Greenland, South & Central American Continents & All Island's: Families, Children, Ministries, Persecuted & Suffering Christians, Families of Our Martyrs, Prisoners, All Soldiers & Our World's Devastated Disaster Victims & Their Loved Ones with Online Internet, Easily Accessed in Religious Freedom, Worldwide Computer Compatible, Christian Church Worship Mass Services, Holy Communion, Multi-Language Free Bibles & Prayer Requests.

Whether you are here personally or in a small group,
I'm glad we can reach you & share this Holy Time with God.
I will have the Blessing of Ministering with You through Our Worship Service Today. This is a Complete Read Through Church Service so You Can Enjoy Taking Your Time & Stopping When You'd Like to Pray, Meditate or Think, Either Alone or in A Small Group.
* Click Here to Skip the Rest of
The Intro and Begin The Worship Service.

1. You Can Read through Our Church Services & Bibles Alone & Privately or
2. Pick a Leader or Translator to Read "The Pastor-Leader Part" & Share This Time with God, Our Church Service, Bible Readings, Prayer Requests & Music with Fellow Believers, Together in Small Groups.
3. Please Feel Free to Substitute Your Own Hymns and Worship Music for More Familiar Music or Music from Your Own Country and In Your Own Language.

   You Can Move On Quickly or Skip Ahead through What Isn't Familiar. You Can Stop Any Place You'd Like to Pray, Think Something Out, etc. Our Church Service is Prepared for God's People All Over the World, So Please take all the time you would like in the areas that Bless You. These are some very private & serious moments between You & God.

* Click Here to Skip the Rest of
The Intro and Begin The Worship Service.

   We are Offering Our Church Worship Service to You,
Our Brothers, Sisters and Families, in Countries All Over
the Earth, Online 24 Hours a Day, 365 Days a Year,
whenever you are able to be free to come here.

   We Provide These Services for You:
1. If You are Unable, for So Many Good Reasons,
    To Attend Your Usual Weekly Church Services.
2. If You are Prevented from Your Freedom of Religion,
    Reading the Bible, Gathering Together or Personal Worship
    Where You are Located.

   As Christians, we have some different forms of practicing our services, but really, they all follow the same basic guidelines. Right now, Our Service is Traditional but we will be offering a choice of different worship services in the time to come. Be Patient with Us!!!
   As You Attend and Read through, take what you need and move on to those areas that The Holy Spirit wants you to experience. We hope, although you may see differences from your usual church, that you will be comforted and be able to enjoy
"The Heart of The Christian Worship Service."

   At Your Service and In Christ, pastor ralph.

* Click Here to Skip the Rest of
The Intro and Begin The Worship Service.

   This is an Simple, Read through Online Church Service with Simple Graphics for Computers Worldwide to View. This Services was Designed for You to Attend Alone, or in A Small Group, Personally and Privately at Your Own Pace.  You can most certainly Stop at Anytime and think something through, take notes, listen, meditate or pray as The Holy Spirit Lead You.

   There are choices throughout the service. Our Church is A Holy Place, and We are Available Everyday to Christians Worldwide, Who Can Not Attend Their Usual Worship Services on Sunday or Are Prevented from Worship Freedom Where They Live. This is for You to Spend Time with Our Heavenly Father, Alone or in A Small Group, to Be Blessed, Enjoy and Be Guided in God's Loving Presence.

   You Can Worship Alone, Quietly or You Can Read & Sing
Aloud or You May Wish to Share This with Your Spouse, Friend or Small Group.

   Our Online Church Services are Attended by People from Countries All Over the World. Most of Our Visitors Come Here on An Individual Basis because They Enjoy This Means of Worshipping. It's Completely at Your Own Pace & at A Simple, No Frills, Peaceful, Read & Listen Presentation.
   We Keep It in This Format so Most People's Computer Systems Can Access Us Worldwide. You Can Proceed through The Worship Service in A Personal Way and You are Free to Stop, Focus & Spend Time on Those Parts of The Service that Touch You Most & Need the Most Attention.

Our Church Service Begins:

   The Gathering, Hymns, Sign of Peace,
Preparation, Opening Prayers, Worship.
The Confession, Forgiveness & Gloria.

Pastor Ralph, Pastor Quinncy or Your Leader: Let's Sing Our Gathering Hymn as
A Prayer as
We Enter into The Worship of Our Father God!

YOUR CHOICE: Enjoy This Time or Music & Worship!

1. You Can Sing Your Own Favorite Hymns Here. 

2. You Can: Click Here for Online, Christian Hymns, Words & Music at
The Cyber Hymna
l & Then Click "Titles" for English or "Other Languages".

Click Your Back Button Return Here When You're Finished.

 3. You Can Sing Our Hymn Below!


Holy, Holy, Holy.

Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee;
Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty!
God in three Persons, blessèd Trinity!

Holy, holy, holy! All the saints adore Thee,
Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea;
Cherubim and seraphim falling down before Thee,
Who was, and is, and evermore shall be.

Holy, holy, holy! though the darkness hide Thee,
Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see;
Only Thou art holy; there is none beside Thee,
Perfect in power, in love, and purity.

Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
All Thy works shall praise Thy Name,
 in earth, and sky, and sea;
Holy, holy, holy; merciful and mighty!
God in three Persons, blessèd Trinity!

Exchanging the Sign of Peace.

Pastor or Your Leader: Lord Jesus Christ, you said to your apostles: "I leave you peace, my peace I give you", look not on our sins, but on the faith of your Church, and grant us the peace and unity of your kingdom where you live for ever and ever. Amen.

Pastor or Your Leader: The peace of the Lord be with you always.

You: And also with you.

Pastor or Your Leader: Now We Usually Give the Sign of Peace to Our Fellow Worshippers by Shaking Hands, Giving a Hug, Saying "God Bless You" or "Peace Be to You" or Whatever Your Custom is.
   If You are Attending This Service Alone & Privately, Simply Think of Someone or People You Care About & Say Something Like: "I Miss You. ~ I Love You. ~ God Bless You."

When You're Ready to Continue:

Pastor or Your Leader and You Together:
In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost.
          (if you wish, while personally making the sign of the cross)

Pastor or Your Leader and You Together: AMEN!

Pastor or Your Leader: The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the
Love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit Be with You All.

You: And also with you.

Personal Worship Preparation

Pastor Ralph or Your Leader"First, Let's Take a Minute or Two, and get a little quiet and prepare for the service. Take a few deep breaths & slow down a bit, in what ever way works for you. This is a time to change our focus from all those things that keep us occupied most of the time. It's also an opportunity to step away and take a break from the concerns and responsibilities of daily life.

Pastor Ralph or Your LeaderAs we all know, God is Everywhere. So let's all enjoy this chance to be able to worship and our blessing of religious freedom. We can now make a conscious decision to enter God's Presence & Begin Worshipping Our Heavenly Father. Take some time here, as you continue to get close with God privately. We all have different ways to Worship Him in Our Own Private Praying, Singing, Dance or Your Special Way of Communicating or Expression, before continuing...

      This are Personal & Private Moments Between You &
Our Heavenly Father. Take Your Time & Do It Your Way.
Remember, We're at God's Speed...


When You're Ready to Continue:


Pastor Ralph or Your Leader and You Pray & Worship Together:
"Father God, We Enter Your Heavenly Courts while Praising You with Our Hearts. We Focus on You and We Worship You with as much feeling and thought and intention as we can right now. You are the One and Only True God, for there is no other god but You. Lord how very much we do love You. There is so much we don't know or understand about You. Help us, show us and teach us how to come closer to You. We do love You so much, Lord God, that we can not find the right words, thoughts or feelings to truly express this fully, but please know, that our hearts reach out to You Now, and We Adore You!"

Pastor Ralph or Your Leader:  This is a Most Special and Personal Time To Be with
Our Heavenly Father. Whether We Are Alone or in A Group:


Pastor Ralph or Your Leader: Let Us Pray Together as Our Lord Jesus Taught Us.

Pastor Ralph or Your Leader and You, All Together.

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father,
Who Art in Heaven,
Hallowed Be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom Come,
Thy Will Be Done,
On Earth as It Is in Heaven.
Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread,
And Forgive Us Our Trespasses,
As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us.
And Lead Us Not into Temptation, But Deliver Us from Evil.
For Thine is The Kingdom, and the Power,
and The Glory, For Ever and Ever, Amen.

Pastor Ralph or Your Leader: Now Let Us Pray Our Beliefs Together.

Pastor Ralph or Your Leader and You, All Together.


"We believe in One God, the Father, the Almighty

Maker of Heaven and Earth, of All that is, Seen and Unseen.

We Believe in One Lord, Jesus Christ, the Only Son of God,

Eternally Begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light,

True God from True God, Begotten, Not Made,

   of One Being with the Father.

Through Him All Things were Made.

For Us Men and for Our Salvation, He Came Down from Heaven:

By the Power of the Holy Spirit.

He Became Incarnate from the Virgin Mary, and Was Made Man.

For Our Sake He was Crucified under Pontius Pilate;

He Suffered Death and Was Buried.

On the Third Day He Rose Again in Accordance with the Scriptures;

He Ascended into Heaven and
   is Seated at the Right Hand of the Father.

He Will Come Again in Glory to Judge the Living and the Dead,

and His Kingdom Will Have No End.

We Believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of Life,

Who Proceeds from the Father and the Son.

With the Father and the Son He is Worshipped and Glorified.

He Has Spoken Through the Prophets.

We Believe in One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

We Acknowledge One Baptism for the Forgiveness of Sins.

We Look for the Resurrection of the Dead,

    and the Life of the World to Come. Amen."


Pastor Ralph or Your Leader.

First Things First! Let's All Get Ourselves Cleaned Up &
Cleared Up, So We are in Open Communion with God,
Our Heavenly Father.

Pastor Ralph or Your Leader: This is a Most Special and Personal Time To Be with
Our Heavenly Father. Whether We Are Alone or in A Group:


   So Let's Get Some Issues Cleared Up with God, and Have Our Connection with Our Heavenly Father Open and Strong. As we go along here, you can remember these items, write them down or take them from your journals...

Pastor Ralph or Your Leader and You, All Praying Together.
     "Heavenly Father, we wish to be connected to You and remove anything that may be in the way of, or block our open communion with you. We want to feel close to you and be comforted by You and receive Your Guidance and Peace. There are some things that we would like to get cleared up and out of the way right now."

Note from Pastor Ralph: If You'd Like Some Guidance on These Matters,
Click Here for A Deep, Honest and Thorough Look Toward
Freedom and Peace through Confession and Forgiveness.

Or Just Continue Below with Our Confession:

   "Lord we wish to confess the following to You:
Take a Few Moments Here and List or Think of the People and Places and Times in our lives, where we believe we have done wrong to ourselves, hurt others or our relationship with God, or those times when we have had wrong done to us or have been hurt by others."

   Again This is Personal, Between You & God, as You Pray &
Think Out, What Needs to Be Brought Up & Cleared Up...


Pastor Ralph or Your Leader: Okay, Got Your List?
Now Let's Pray Deeply, Privately & Personally to
Our Loving Father with All Our Attention, Hearts and Minds.


Pastor Ralph or Your Leader and You, All Praying Together & Most Seriously:

   "Lord God, Heavenly Father, We Pray to You Now from the Bottom of Our Hearts in Desire and Honesty. These are the Actions, Thoughts Words and People and Things I Wish to Confess to You:

Pastor Ralph or Your LeaderYou Can Read Your List to God Here...

   Pastor Ralph or Your Leader and You, All Praying Together.

"We want You to know that we are truly sorry for all these things that we have done Wrong: Against Others, Against Ourselves and Against You. Now We Confess Them All to You, So We Can Get Our Hearts and Lives Back in Communion with You. We Repent from these Thoughts, Words and Actions and Truly Want to Turn from These Ways and Be Better, More Kind and Loving, and Like Jesus in All Our Ways. We Also Seriously and Truly Forgive All Those Who Have Hurt Us or Our Loved Ones in Anyway. Father, We Understand that You Sent Your Son, Jesus Christ, as a Sacrifice for Us. We believe that He Died on the Cross for Our Sins and After Three Days, He then Rose from the Dead. He Also Gave Us Eternal Life in Heaven. Through Jesus Christ's Sacrifice, We Now Can Have A Close, Deep and Personal, Ongoing  Relationship with You, Jesus and The Holy Spirit and Be in Communication with You at All Times. Now We Now Ask You, Dear Lord Jesus Christ, to Please Come into and Fill Our Hearts. We Embrace You as Our Lord and Living Saviour. Abba Father God, We Pray, Ask and Thank You for All These Things and The Forgiveness of All These & All Our Wrong Doings or Sins, named and un-named, and Forgive Everyone, According to Your Will and in The Name of Our Lord and Living Saviour Jesus Christ, Amen."

Pastor Ralph or Your Leader: : May Almighty God have mercy on us,
forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life.

You: Amen.

Pastor Ralph, Or Your LeaderPraise God!
And so Now, We are Forgiven and We are Free!
What a Tremendous Joy and Gift it is to Know that
Jesus Christ Died as a Sacrifice, for All Our Sins on
the Cross, so that We Can Be Completely Forgiven!

We Have A Clean Slate. Our Connection with God is
Wide Open and Strong. Praise and Thank You Father!

Pastor Ralph or Your LeaderLet's Sing This and
Pray Our Thanks & Worship Together.

Pastor Ralph or Your Leader and You, All Singing Together.

"Glory to God in the Highest,
and On Earth Peace to People of Good Will.
We Praise You, We Bless You,
We Adore You, We Glorify You,
We Give You Thanks for Your Great Glory,
Lord God, Heavenly King,
O God, Almighty Father.
Lord Jesus Christ, Only-Begotten Son,
Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,
You Take Away the Sins of the World,
Have Mercy on Us;
You Take Away the Sins of the World,
Receive Our Prayer.
You are Seated at the Right Hand of the Father,
Have Mercy on Us.
For You Alone are the Holy One,
You Alone are the Lord,
You Alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ,
with the Holy Spirit, in the Glory of God the Father.

Pastor or Your Leader: The Lord Be with You.

You: And with Thy Spirit.

* Click Here for Our Sermon Readings:

    Taken Directly from God's Word:

The Hole Bible, The New & Old Testament &

The Gospel & Jesus' Life & Personal Teachings to Us!

A Deep, Honest and Thorough Look
Toward Freedom and Peace through
Confession and Forgiveness.

1. Think of the People in Our Lives, Friends, Family, Co-Workers and Strangers, near of far, in anyway, in the past, going on now, or continuing into the future that we feel in some way: We have caused hurt, pain or trouble or They have done these things to us.

2. There are Things that we have done that we know somehow in our hearts were not right, or legal or not what God would have chosen for us to do.

3. There are the Ways we have hurt Ourselves, in the many ways that we can. This is a personal time between you and God. How is it that you think you may be not caring for yourself, hurting yourself or neglecting yourself or knocking yourself down or are not caring for yourself in the best way.
   This is a difficult question as many of us have good hearts and we are kind to other people or very good at our responsibilities, but we let our own care and health go un-attended. Sometimes we even get guilty when we do something positive for ourselves. Others of us may feel we are too self centered and don't do anything or not enough for others. This is a time to think and pray to find out what it is that we have not accepted or given ourselves that has caused us  to be feeling un-satisfied or tired, or stressed out, because our needs are NOT being taken care of. We  will be of little use to others if we do not get ourselves squared away with God and have Him supply us with what He sees we need. How are we neglecting or not nourishing or hurting ourselves?

4. How about Our Relationship with God. Please take your time here and tell the Lord the places where you would like to make things right with Him or how you would like to get closer to Him. We have many positive and negative emotions towards God, for many reasons, throughout our lives. Are you angry at God? Have you given up on asking Him for help or direction? Do you feel disconnected from Him. Do you think you've lost your faith? Ask your Heavenly Father now how it is, or what is, that He would like you to do, or in what areas or ways, you can become closer to Him.

Pastor: When You're Ready: Click Here to
Continue with The Confession Part of Our Church Services.

* Some Study Verses Regarding Confession~(Note: Slow Loading Page!!!).

Pastor Ralph: Before we continue, if you are wondering Who is Jesus Christ or you have questions about Your Relationship with God, Forgiveness, Heaven, Eternal Life, Christianity or if you're considering becoming a Christian:
about how this all fits together. When you're ready, you can Click on Your Back Button and come back here and continue the service if you'd like.

2 Corinthians 2 NIV

Forgiveness for the Sinner

    5If anyone has caused grief, he has not so much grieved me as he has grieved all of you, to some extent—not to put it too severely. 6The punishment inflicted on him by the majority is sufficient for him. 7Now instead, you ought to forgive and comfort him, so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow. 8I urge you, therefore, to reaffirm your love for him. 9The reason I wrote you was to see if you would stand the test and be obedient in everything. 10If you forgive anyone, I also forgive him. And what I have forgiven—if there was anything to forgive—I have forgiven in the sight of Christ for your sake, 11in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.

2 Corinthians 2 KJV

   5But if any have caused grief, he hath not grieved me, but in part: that I may not overcharge you all.
   6Sufficient to such a man is this punishment, which was inflicted of many.
   7So that contrariwise ye ought rather to forgive him, and comfort him, lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow.
   8Wherefore I beseech you that ye would confirm your love toward him.
   9For to this end also did I write, that I might know the proof of you, whether ye be obedient in all things.
   10To whom ye forgive any thing, I forgive also: for if I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it, for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ;
   11Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.

* Feel Free to Link Our Web Sites!!!

   www.AbbaChurch.com or www.AbidingInChrist.com or

Prayer Requests at www.AbbaChapel.com by Email or www.GodText.com by Text Message or 

www.Bible1to1.com for God's Word: The Holy Bible in 100's of Languages or

Abba International Children's Hospital, Offering Treatment by Prayer Requests at www.ChildPray.com

   "Abba Father God International Online Internet Christian Church Worship Services Mass, Bibles & Prayer Requests" is A Ministry of Home World Headquarters Churches "The Abiding in Christ International Missionary Churches™ for Our International Organization of Caring Churches & Christian Services, Reaching Out in God's Love through Jesus Christ, Offering All People, Families, Children, Ministries, Persecuted & Suffering Christians and Families of Our Martyrs, Refugees, All Soldiers & Prisoners and Disaster Victims in All Countries, Their God Given Global Right to Practice Religious Freedom of Belief, Study, Prayer, Worship & Communion with God, with Easy Access Online by Computer, 24 Hours Daily. We have Complete Christian Internet Church Mass Services, Prayer Requests, God's Word in Multi-Language Bibles, Sermons, Music, Christian Resources & You May Also Receive The Blessed Sacrament of Holy Communion Online at Our Special Service. Attend Church Alone Privately, or in Small Local Groups & House Churches, Anytime. We Are Here 24-7-365! All Our Services are in A User Friendly & Compatible Format for Computers Worldwide. You Can Read through Our Online Internet Church Mass Services & Resources Carefully & Slowly, at Your Own Personal Pace of Devotion & Learning, and Enjoy Your God Given Blessing to Believe, Read the Bible & Freely Worship Our Heavenly Father God, The Holy Spirit & Our Lord & Living Saviour, Jesus Christ!